OWL Services

Presenting your brand to the public is a HOOT!

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1Magic Numbers

Our nest wasn't built on imaginary clouds but on a branched tree of stable squared roots; giving depth and reason to our conquest. Like our creative heads, we will not fly far without our beautiful minds figuring out the whole operation in numbers. The brains behind the whole operation lie within our researchers and analysts and their versatile real-time tracking and statistical research tools, such as digital ethnography and consumer evolution mapping, to provide insightful and tailored reports, such as brand audits, competitor analysis, and industry trends.

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2Brand & Customer Ice Breaking strategies

It’s the digital era, and the lingo has changed, and with it the customer too. Deciphering what the customer needs is an unpredictable game, luckily, we are the MVP by playing it wisely to avoid bombarding the target with unnecessary messages. Therefore, an intricate strategy is orchestrated by our experts to help the brand efficiently engage with its public.

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3Visionary Communicational tales

When writing a story, we take all chapters and characters into consideration for a happy finale. Merging the true essence of the brand with the relevant customer need is always the plot twist we crave for a superb creative communication, thus the dialogue will seamlessly deliver a best-seller copy across all platforms.

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4State of The Artwork

A palette of insightful data and creative minds is set to paint a masterpiece, by fully dipping our brush into your business framework allows us a perceptive look at your brand in terms of challenges, threats, and opportunities, as we not only design artwork but also work on that art. We fully comprehend and deliver the bigger picture with a museum of the most talented art directors, animators, graphic designers & product designers.

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5Online Marketing & Media Planning

The online multiverse isn’t an easy ship to steer with its continuous and bolting evolution; it needs proper captains to help navigate through it. The treasure map resides within the rich customer insights that enable marvelous creations and tactics to deliver the most optimum and engaging message in a bottle. All while telescoping trending optimization tools that allow smooth sailing.

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6Production Solutions

Action! We’re rolling, especially while offering production solutions to our clients. At OWL we expertly produce commercials, digital apps, blogs, radio ads...etc. Either in-house or parenting with the finest names the market has to offer for a top-tier execution.

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7Digital Media

Effective communication is not simply in messaging, but in media-neutral ideas that provide business solutions. We translate strategy into culturally-relevant communication ideas that respect the ‘Zeitgeist’ but challenge the status quo. The result is authentic content that is shareable within medium and across platforms.

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We see potential in the online markets, and currently, one-click is as magical as a magical lamp to granting customers’ wishes; therefore, a structured understanding of the world of data, statistics, and analogy is our Open Sesame to answering the customer’s purchasing needs.

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